The more perceptive of you might have realised that I’m in the job market. After nine wonderful years, I've decided to shut down my strategy and data consulting business. Will start looking for a job soon. Leads and recommendations welcome (preferably email/message me off twitter) — Karthik (@karthiks) October 9, 2020 Over the last one…
A banker’s apology
Whenever there is a massive stock market crash, like the one in 1987, or the crisis in 2008, it is common for investment banking quants to talk about how it was a “1 in zillion years” event. This is on account of their models that typically assume that stock prices are lognormal, and that stock…
Banks starting to eat FinTech’s lunch?
I’ve long maintained that the “winner” in the “battle” for payments will be the conventional banking system, rather than one of the new “wallet” or “payment service providers”. This view is driven by the advances being made by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) which is owned by a consortium of banks. First there…