A long time back I’d written about how Slack in some ways was like the old DBabble messaging and discussion group platform, except for one small difference – Slack didn’t have threaded conversations which meant that it was only possible to hold one thread of thought in a channel, significantly limiting discussion. Since then, Slack…
Black Box Models
A few years ago, Felix Salmon wrote this article in Wired called “The Formula That Killed Wall Street“. It was about a formula called “Gaussian Copula”, which was a formula for estimating the joint probability of a set of events happening, if you knew the individual probabilities. It was a mathematical breakthrough. Unfortunately, it fell…
Long mails
As you might have noticed from my blog posts over the years, I like writing long essays. By long, I mean blog post long. Somewhere of the length of 800-1000 words. I can’t write longer than that, because of which my attempts to write a book have come to nought. Now, thanks to regular blogging…