Core quants and desk quants on main street

The more perceptive of you might have realised that I’m in the job market. After nine wonderful years, I've decided to shut down my strategy and data consulting business. Will start looking for a job soon. Leads and recommendations welcome (preferably email/message me off twitter) — Karthik (@karthiks) October 9, 2020 Over the last one…

Communicating binary forecasts

One silver lining in the madness of the US Presidential election counting is that there are some interesting analyses floating around regarding polling and surveying and probabilities and visualisation. Take this post from Andrew Gelman’s blog, for example: Suppose our forecast in a certain state is that candidate X will win 0.52 of the two-party…

Covid-19 Prevalence in Karnataka

Finally, many months after other Indian states had conducted a similar exercise, Karnataka released the results of its first “covid-19 sero survey” earlier this week. The headline number being put out is that about 27% of the state has already suffered from the infection, and has antibodies to show for it. From the press release:…

Simulating Covid-19 Scenarios

I must warn that this is a super long post. Also I wonder if I should put this on medium in order to get more footage. Most models of disease spread use what is known as a “SIR” framework. This Numberphile video gives a good primer into this framework. The problem with the framework is…

The future of work, and cities

Ok this is the sort of speculative predictive post that I don’t usually indulge in. However, I think my blog is at the right level of obscurity that makes it conducive for making speculative predictions. It is not popular enough that enough people will remember this prediction in case this doesn’t come through. And it’s…